well fiddle sticks! it has been way too long!
it's amazing how quick time can slip between your fingers and the next thing you know, you're holding a piece of paper with orders and a new duty station on it. and to be honest, i'm thrilled, even if it's ft. polk, again.
in my heart of hearts, i feel as if it's time for us to move on. it's time for us to fade out with the summer sunset and start the summer off some where different. apparently, i'm the only one who shares these feelings. my hubby, well he isn't feeling anything but cheated, but punished, but are you serious. and part of me can't blame him for that, and part of me wants to tell him to suck it because it's going to be good for us, for all of us.
back in november he got his list. 25 locations, including pearl harbor, belgium, ft sam houston, ft meade, homestead air reserve, all great places minus ntc at ft irwin, jrtc at ft polk and four sfaat slots. he made his list and i made mine, we compared and made our list. he submitted and waited, and waited, and waited, like three weeks. that's really a fast turn around. in that time i had told a few military intel wives that we mi folks get to see places because everyone needs an mi person. little did i know that i was lying to them about seeing places.
i remember that monday afternoon. he had just started leave and accompanied me to the general's volunteer holiday social. we picked up our boys and headed to his office because he, okay we, were impatiently waiting for our next big adventure. and then it came. just a few words and a report that. and then came the silence and then the ugly growl and then the 'are you serious' (had our boys not been in the office, i'm sure there would have been some very colorful words).
it took him 45 minutes to calm down and formulate a response to his assignment. he pulled every card out possible.
and then we waited, and i think he seriously prayed some big ones, and we waited. and the emails came, but they were delays, i'm working with my branch person, hang in there, oh it's the holidays, blah, blah, blah.
and then it was christmas and new years and our home was filled with guests and there was my hubby pouting like some five year old who didn't get that shiny new bike he had wanted for christmas.
finally he went back to work and finally got an answer: we took the best of the best, the top 15% and sent their names to the training centers and let them select their folks.
okay, i can accept that. you're in the top 15%. the best of the best. it's apparently a good career move.
and the pouting continued. and honestly, i wanted to put my petite little hands on his 6'3" frame and just shake him. are you kidding me. it could have turned out way worse... you could be deploying. we could be staying here and you going unaccompanied. we could be moving in six weeks... it could be way worse.
it's been two weeks now. i'm thrilled about our move. i'm ready to move. it's time to move. it's been three and half years since we got here. i'm getting our boys ready to move and most days our oldest, a whole five years old now, is on board with the move. who knows, maybe as the weeks pass and we prepare to sell our house and he gets ready to hand over the reigns to his company it will sink in how much we will benefit from this move. until then, i will just support him and make the most of it, as difficult as it is, i will stand there and support him.
in my heart of hearts, i feel as if it's time for us to move on. it's time for us to fade out with the summer sunset and start the summer off some where different. apparently, i'm the only one who shares these feelings. my hubby, well he isn't feeling anything but cheated, but punished, but are you serious. and part of me can't blame him for that, and part of me wants to tell him to suck it because it's going to be good for us, for all of us.
back in november he got his list. 25 locations, including pearl harbor, belgium, ft sam houston, ft meade, homestead air reserve, all great places minus ntc at ft irwin, jrtc at ft polk and four sfaat slots. he made his list and i made mine, we compared and made our list. he submitted and waited, and waited, and waited, like three weeks. that's really a fast turn around. in that time i had told a few military intel wives that we mi folks get to see places because everyone needs an mi person. little did i know that i was lying to them about seeing places.
i remember that monday afternoon. he had just started leave and accompanied me to the general's volunteer holiday social. we picked up our boys and headed to his office because he, okay we, were impatiently waiting for our next big adventure. and then it came. just a few words and a report that. and then came the silence and then the ugly growl and then the 'are you serious' (had our boys not been in the office, i'm sure there would have been some very colorful words).
it took him 45 minutes to calm down and formulate a response to his assignment. he pulled every card out possible.
and then we waited, and i think he seriously prayed some big ones, and we waited. and the emails came, but they were delays, i'm working with my branch person, hang in there, oh it's the holidays, blah, blah, blah.
and then it was christmas and new years and our home was filled with guests and there was my hubby pouting like some five year old who didn't get that shiny new bike he had wanted for christmas.
finally he went back to work and finally got an answer: we took the best of the best, the top 15% and sent their names to the training centers and let them select their folks.
okay, i can accept that. you're in the top 15%. the best of the best. it's apparently a good career move.
and the pouting continued. and honestly, i wanted to put my petite little hands on his 6'3" frame and just shake him. are you kidding me. it could have turned out way worse... you could be deploying. we could be staying here and you going unaccompanied. we could be moving in six weeks... it could be way worse.
it's been two weeks now. i'm thrilled about our move. i'm ready to move. it's time to move. it's been three and half years since we got here. i'm getting our boys ready to move and most days our oldest, a whole five years old now, is on board with the move. who knows, maybe as the weeks pass and we prepare to sell our house and he gets ready to hand over the reigns to his company it will sink in how much we will benefit from this move. until then, i will just support him and make the most of it, as difficult as it is, i will stand there and support him.
Hi there! I had a question for you about possibly collaborating on something and was hoping you could email me back to discuss? Thanks so much!
- Emma
emmabanks9 (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi there! I am reaching out in regards to a question I have for you and the possibility of working together on something. Please email me when you get a chance! Thank you so much! trucillo(dot)mario(at)gmail(dot)com
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